Happy Half Birthday Lydia!

The not so little love bug is 6 months old! Rhetorical question of the day… How did that even happen? Time flies when you’re having babies… and fun, obviously.  The stats:  19lbs 6oz. and 27 inches The percentiles: 92% and 95% Tooth count: 0 Clothes size: 12 months The skills: Sitting up – Still supported […]

An ode to my baby daddy

An ode to my baby daddy

  He is also my husband. Husband. One would think that almost two years into our marriage the little girl butterflies in my stomach would have fluttered away by now. Husband. Yeah, no, they sure haven’t. I love that wonderful word and everything it means.  I’ve done this before…Gushed pretty uncontrollably about my partner in life […]