An ode to my baby daddy

  He is also my husband. Husband. One would think that almost two years into our marriage the little girl butterflies in my stomach would have fluttered away by now. Husband. Yeah, no, they sure haven’t. I love that wonderful word and everything it means. 

I’ve done this before…Gushed pretty uncontrollably about my partner in life and laughter. But for whatever reason… No matter how obvious it may be to the outside world, I really don’t feel it’s possible for anyone to fully grasp what it is like to live with this man. 

Ryan is solid in his optimism. His default is ‘happier than most’ and it takes quite a bit of effort to get him to even consider why anything would make one upset. I essentially live in Disney world. The happiest place on earth. And every morning I roll over and Mickey effing mouse is smiling back at me… which is more pleasant and not nearly as creepy as it sounds. Usually, though, he has already popped out of bed, run to Starbucks, planned dinner and gone to the grocery store in the time it takes me to yawn, stretch and realize that the sun has come up. He wakes up on the right side of the bed 102% of the time and then takes off running… fast. 

But I’ve already told you what an amazingly generous person he is. The new part is the dad part and I think it’s the best part. 

The first Christmas we were together Ryan came to big family Christmas (50-60) people and asked to hold my newborn cousin.  Like went out of his way to get some baby holding time. Like there were 6-7 aunts in line before him but he was gung-ho about it. We were 20 and this was me looking awkward and uncomfortable. 

 And this was Ryan… Looking a little special but otherwise comfortable, natural and like the ultimate baby whisperer. 

 This has proven to be true. Ryan is the one who lulls Lydia to sleep on demand. Ryan is the one calling doctors and looking up baby care and routines and all sorts of parenting everything. Ryan is the one I go to when I’m nervous or concerned or unsure. Because even if he doesn’t have all the answers… He gives me all the confidence in the world to trust my own mama instincts. 

And he loves our little girl with an unceasing devotion. It is so heartwarming. Almost palpable. And the proud grin he gives her while she’s sleeping peacefully is the same one he gave me in the minutes before we met her for the first time…

…right before he declared that she was a boy. 

He is the ultimate father. Lydia has so much. All of the obvious material things, more than she or we need. But she has so much more than that… In her father alone she has life lessons at her fingertips in ambition, dedication, sensitivity, kindness, and an easy-going nature that is truly unparalleled. And the idea of our marriage being the one that she will most fully bear witness to…. It is something I treasure as much as my marriage itself. I can only hope she finds a partner in life who can compare to the one that I have. She is a lucky little lady. About as lucky as I am. 

You are so loved Ryan Hess. And we are so overwhelmingly grateful for all that you are. 


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