A Mother’s Day Letter

My Dearest Daughter,

We celebrated this weekend… I’m not sure that you knew. It may have seemed like an ordinary day to you. You smiled a million smiles and received almost as many kisses. We shared an amazing meal with our beautiful family, enjoyed some sunshine, and napped (collectively). It was truly an amazing day… Although to you, my little, it may have seemed routine.  

Baby, it was so far from an ordinary day. Every card that your mommy read, every thoughtful gift received, every hug, every minute was filled with a new kind of love and a new kind of understanding and it’s all because of you. 

You have given so much in your short little life so far. You’ve given me a whole new identity. A new sense of self. A new connection to and appreciation for my own mother and hers, and all the mothers I hold dear. I’ve found out more about who I am, simply because you are here in my arms and I am so proud to be a mom. 

But more importantly, I am so proud to be your mom. I never thought that such a young spirit could do so much good in a world so big. The happiness that your smiles bring to me, to your dad, to everyone in your life are incomparable. But it’s the pure joy that you elicit from passersby, and strangers in elevators and in grocery lines and at the park…the waves you give people that I didn’t even notice were around… those are what make me most proud to be yours. I am in awe of your tiny little ability to bring out the best in people and I hope that the love that so fills your heart will always be on your sleeve, in your smiles, and given to others so freely. It’s a life changing love, I can most definitely attest. And on my first Mother’s Day, more than ever, I am so proud to be the one you will call mom. 

You are a gem in this world, my girl. Always know that. 

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