Seasons change

I could’ve been disgruntled. After working my final shift before maternity leave, waddling the hall with a smuggled bowling ball all evening; my bump and I finally reached our bed and body pillow a little after midnight.  It took mere seconds to drift off to a not-so-restful sleep with baby boy performing his nightly acrobatics.  Then came 4:45am.  Ryan and I both awoke to the sound of rustling sheets on the toddler monitor, positioned in the girls’ bedroom, where they both sleep (or don’t) since Norah was served her nursery eviction notice.  Shortly after the stirring, we heard the door creak and the pounding of two little feet. A mostly asleep, curly-haired silhouette appeared in the doorway waiting to be ushered into our room, our bed and our arms.  She came darting in followed closely by her smaller, less heavy-footed counterpart, each of them arriving anxiously on either side of the bed.  “Hi Mommy,” the littlest whispered as I caught a sweet glimmer of a smirk in what little light there was — She was really saying I know I’m supposed to be in my big girl bed all night, but Lydie was the one that opened the door… and this will be way better, I promise.

The little one climbed as best she could in beside me.  The bigger little found daddy and did the same — both being simultaneously hoisted over us to the middle of big bed in their matching PJs. Lydia’s sentiment that this is ‘where families sleep’ ringing ever so true.  And ever so beautifully. Seasons change and this, my girls, was an early morning I never want to forget. In a few weeks all of it will be different and I will miss these (lack of) sleeps. We laid cuddled altogether as a family of four, with daddy guarding one side, two precious sleeping beauties in the middle and mommy, awake, blissfully taking in the moment on the other.  The comforts of my body pillow replaced by both curled up, snuggled in toddlers with limbs stretched in every direction. Four in the bed. Three distinct snores, one big and two small. All asleep. And mommy hopeful for what is about to be, grateful for what has been, enjoying the end of this season. Daddy, mommy and the girls.

The love of God brought us these two, the greatest blessings of our lives to date.

And for the love of God, Norah, please calm your little legs and stop kicking me and your brother.

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