Weeks 24 & 25

Fruit/Veg/Edibles: Garden Eggplant (so sans the supermarket steroids — I’m big but not supermarket steroids big) and a Napa Cabbage…

Weekly weight gain: ??

Overall weight gain: 8lbs + some… It’s probably too soon to be withholding this information.  It’s not that I’m embarrassed or unwilling to share.  I haven’t had an appointment in a while and really don’t feel like getting out of bed to go to the bathroom again… to use the scale.

I can be found eating: Welp, right now — half-caf coffee in bed courtesy of Ryan the incredible….right, coffee isn’t food. Lots of cafeteria wraps, grilled cheeses and salad bar creations that include veggies and all of the vinegary delights I can manage to fit in a to-go bowl.  I’m still popping fruit snacks and peanut butter crackers constantly to keep me going while at work.  Nothing to really write home about whilst en la casa.  LOTS of leftover muffins from Easter and to be honest we haven’t been to a grocery store in a significant amount of time and have been eating the finest local bar food and Panera.  Riveting information.

Aversions: Because I know you were just dying to find out what that elusive, awful hospital smell was that I complained about last weekly update… I did a few experiments, put on my best sherlock holmes performance and cracked the proverbial code. It’s a combination of latex gloves and hand sanitizer.  When used in succession, the worst smell imaginable is produced and will forever remain in your cuticles forever.  You have been warned.  Unfortunately, as anticipated, there is literally nothing I can do to avoid it… forever. The trials and tribulations, I tell you.

Movement/bumps/thumps/lumps/shmumps: For the complete sentimental explanation...Click here.  Otherwise, suffice it to say that madam/mister moves-a-lot… moves a lot.

Maternity style: We are moving into maxi skirt/dress territory my friends!  I’ve been waiting for spring to arrive for quite some time because a) 0% of my jackets fit anymore and I refuse to spend money on something I will need for a week.  I said that like 2 months ago… what a wishful thinker, I really should’ve just spent the money back in January and b) what’s cuter than a baby bump in a maxi dress!! Idk either.  Nothing probably. I have a number of maxi-length beauties that have collected in my closet over the years but haven’t seen the light of day because they are too long (never not an issue).  However, the bump makes them all that much shorter, add a little heel and ta-da!  they fit almost-ish.  So be on the look out for more as the warmer weather makes it’s all-too-belated appearance.

How do I feel?: Pregnant. Yup. Finally. It’s taken us a while to get here, but here we are. Baby is filling out the long torso and sitting is getting to be more difficult.  Moving is more difficult.  Being is more difficult.  I think I’m finally realizing why people are constantly referring to pregnancy as uncomfortable…  35-week pregnant Jill is rolling her eyes in the future.  One thing in particular though, I really just cannot squeeze through tight spaces like I used to.  My spatial awareness is trending toward incredibly inaccurate.  I forget to ask people to move for me and try to just sneak by, and it doesn’t end well.  Double-occupancy hospital rooms are just WAY more tight than they used to be all of a sudden. Navigating around IV poles and chairs and vitals machines and computers on wheels and tubes and lines and plugs and… I used to be a ninja hopping over and under and around these things.  and now… just… i’ve lost ninja status.  There is no hopping and theres lots more excuse mes when I actually realize that I’m wedged between things (like humans and walls).

Status of the bump:  A picture’s worth a thousand words.  I’ll update once I have one.  We’ve been slacking in the photo department.  I can’t imagine what poor documentation we will have of pregnancy/baby #2 if we’re still in the excited phase and in 2 weeks can’t get a single solid bumppic.  Here’s our already posted Easter fam photo to hold you over.



Recognize the shirt!? Totally our anniversary weekend and I’m totally rocking our engagement shoot shirt for the occasion!



The Happies:

Easter — Ryan the incredible got me an Easter basket filled with bubble bath and lotion and cute girly things like that and then the necessities — sour patch watermelons and salt & vinegar pringles.  And I’m obviously obsessed with the family time that holidays bring with.

Haircut — Few people noticed… but WOW, I got rid of some serious dead ends.  It was to the point that I had to curl my hair to mask the deadness and not look homeless.  Now my hair looks like it’s stuck in the ever-awkward, i’m-growing-out-a-bob, mid-length phase, but it’s cool.  hair grows. no big.

The Sads: We managed to avoid these for a few weeks, wish we still could.

Grampa — The Captain.  Too soon after losing my Gram on Ash Wednesday — We lost Grampa on Good Friday.  It’s just so much overwhelming sadness for a group of people, especially their devoted children, to have to bear in such a short time.  No room for processing, No time to get up from the last major blow. Roland Bessette was a veteran, a police officer, a Captain, an incredibly loving grandfather and even when he was forced to face Alzheimer’s, he did so with the undeniable strength and admirable bravery that he embodied throughout his life.  And of course, he left the legacy of an amazing family that has proven they will make it through anything with the help of one another.  I’m so honored to be a part of his crew, and to be continuing the best legacy I could imagine.  Because of you, we will have ‘many more’ amazing memories together and many more generations to carry on the love that you instilled in our family.

1 comments on “Weeks 24 & 25

  1. You never cease to amaze and amuse me Miss Jill! Thank you for sharing this journey with us. You have managed to make our geographical distance much more tolerable. Love you! ??

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