Weeks 26 & 27

Fruit/Veg/Edibles: Butternut Squash and a Bunch of Bananas — loving the alliteration

Weekly Monthly weight gain:  Granted this was over the course of the month instead of 2 weeks, and granted squash baby decided to quadruple in size during this timeframe (okay, not really) — 9 lbs.

Overall weight gain: 17lbs… I’m gonna start eating for one again and see if maybe we can slow the pace down a bit.  Salads.  Let’s remember how great salads are.

I can be found eating: Everything I’ve ever mentioned + Reese’s Bagels.  Yes, I said Reese’s Bagels.  No, they aren’t a real life thing you can buy, but they are a real life thing you can make with whole grain bagels, nutella, peanut butter and a little bit of imagination.  Da-lish.  And salads, right… salads.  Let’s remember how great salads are.

Aversions: COLD WEATHER — STOP.  So done.

Movement/bumps/thumps/lumps/shmumps: Baby’s kicks are getting stronger — and more distinguishable from just the lazily rolling around.  The soccer player that I’m growing seems to have gotten dad’s fancy footwork and really strong tree trunks for legs… and my notable ability to roll over a few times and go back to sleep.

Maternity style:  Oh hey spring… was that you that showed up for like a minute and then disappeared again leaving me wearing corduroys and a sweater to dinner last night.  Thought so.  Everything about me is ready for spring, including my toes… I somehow managed to give myself what will certainly be the last pedicure that I give myself until the baby is born.  A little part of me wishes Ry had been around to document that endeavor, I found it incredibly comical at the time.  The other part of me says Jill don’t be ridiculous, jump for joy that no one was around to witness you rolling on the bathroom floor trying to reach your toes like a drunk T-rex (disclaimer: there was no alcohol involved, just some nail polish remover)(I’m also not a T-rex).

Focus Jill: Wardrobe.  I went shopping!  More basics from Old Navy — A few more maxis because that one shopping day happened to be warm and I was getting hopeful that maybe just maybe warmth was around to stay (..it wasn’t).  I also purchased a pair of distressed denim crops that I will be living in all summer guaranteed.  Thanks to Mama Hess for the coupons / the BEST excuse to go spend money on things I need.

How do I feel?:  On this week’s episode of what Jill struggles with, we will highlight tying shoes, putting pants on without being seated (also, while seated), climbing into big SUVs (like Ford Explorers, for a very general, not-at-all-specific example), and most importantly, getting into/out of our very beautiful but very tall bed.  This morning, I kid you not, it took maybe 15 maneuvers, rolls, scooches and lots of grumbling/moaning to get me safely with my feet on the floor.  Having a sleeping, grumbling Kenzie sprawled over my legs helped nothing…

So big is how I feel.  It’s kind of like having an out of body experience, except instead I’m tiny little Jill trapped in a highly exaggerated, much bigger version of myself yearning for my former ability to move freely.  Remember those inflatable sumo wrestler halloween costumes?  Like that.  Yes, I hear you everyone saying, just wait… I hear you.

Status of the bump:  It looks like this:


The Happies:

Anniversary Sunday See here

Marathon Monday — A few of my lovely Stonehill loves and I met up somewhere in Wellesley to cheer on the crazy motivated people who took to the streets of Eastern MA to run SO FAR in the GROSSEST weather.  I was not properly dressed for the occasion because I have nothing warm that fits me (aka not a single zipable jacket) Also, who would’ve thought that gloves, scarves, hats, essentially every wintery accessory would be necessary in late April.  Not the point.  It was so wonderful to see the few of us that had the day off and discuss how our marathon attendance experiences have ranged from 90 degree days of day-drinking and screaming for hours in Cleveland Circle, to gathering outside the city, close to the bathrooms and warmth of Whole foods with easy access to parking.  Next year, our crew will have two 9 months olds in the mix… crazy.  crazy awesome.  Love my Becket girls.

Kenzer Haircut — What do you mean this isn’t important?!  Look how cute she is with her summery puppy cut and bunny ears, and little schnauzer/goat face.  

     Don’t you just wanna squeeze her!?  I do.  Kenzer, come’eer.

The Sads:

*Insert something sad here, cuz I got nothin*

Smiles. Bye.

1 comments on “Weeks 26 & 27

  1. Pingback: The Importance of the Mani/Pedi | The Hess Station

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