Weeks 32 & 33

Fruit/Veg/Edibles: Florida Pomelo (Yeah, I had to google that too) and a Cauliflower Blossom.  Do we really think that those are more significant/substantial than a cantaloupe?  We’ll be sticking with melon baby… better luck next time cutesy prego app.

Bi-Weekly weight gain: 1.8 lbs

Overall weight gain: 20.6 lbs — All is well in weight gain land.  Baby is measuring 32 weeks so we’re just about on target there too.

I can be found eating: Pasta/Macaroni/Potato salads. These are available in abundance because it’s cookout season AND I discovered loaded baked potato salad at big Y, soooo….. *shoulder shrug*

In healthier news, I’m still on quite the berry kick and purchased a few melons in honor of reaching melon-baby status last week. And who doesn’t love having watermelon and cantaloupe at the ready for snacking.

Aversions: Oscillating fans and energy saving ACs. I’ve always always always hated oscillating fans and never quite understood the appeal of being hit in the face by a rush of air every 45 seconds! Constant whooshing and a cool air breeze is fine.  I love me a nice fan sleep — it’s just really gotta stay in one position.  Welp, let’s tack on our air conditioner to the list of cooling appliances with obnoxiously intermittent settings.  Energy-saver apparently equals thermostat. Cool, right? Wrong. WORST.  It goes off when the room reaches a certain temperature and then turns on (like a monster truck stuck in the window) every 4 minutes when the room gets a degree warmer again.  In theory, keeping the room at a consistent temp sounds like a great idea! In reality, it’s like hitting snooze for 5 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG. I am averse to this.  #firstworldproblems

Movement/bumps/thumps/lumps/shmumps:  The shmumper continues to shmump — Keep on turnin’ little buddy.  Anything you can do to get ready for go-time in advance is welcomed and appreciated.  I’m going to try really hard to take my own advice there!

Maternity style:  Bachelorette’s, Showers & Weddings, Oh My!  It’s hard enough to keep yourself well dressed for these things when you don’t have a bump to contend with.  But so far, so okay. I managed to get by with a non-preg dress today (miracle) and I think I have a sufficient number of PinkBlush Maternity dresses at this point to get me through the rest.  Here is where I gush about PinkBlush.  Zulily provided my introduction to this glorious brand of maternity garb, and I am obsessed.  I understand that most of you reading this are either female and not pregnant (94%), male (4%), or pregnant females who have already been subjected to my raves about the quality, fit, comfort and adorable patterns and style of every item I’ve bought (2%).  So I’ll spare you my rant.  Please note those stats are completely made up and do not at all reflect reality (except they probably do).

I also had to buy a few pairs of new (larger, wider, expandable-er) shoes to accommodate the extra fluid that has invaded and settled in my lower extremities.  As it was so accurately put by a new friend this past weekend, my ankles look like a memory foam mattress.  Truer words have never been spoken.  Press on my ankle and you your fingerprint will be embedded in my heart my skin forever for 3 full seconds.  Mackenzie had her head resting on my calf the other night.  When she got up, I would’ve sworn to you that her head was still there but instead I looked down and saw an indent the size of, well, a dog chin, that took quite some time to fill back in.  This whole edema thing is very bizarre, but admittedly… a little bit fun to poke.

How do I feel?:  Uncomfortable within reason. I feel heavier and bulkier and like I’m wearing an oversized fanny-pack full of weights. Nothing that wouldn’t be expected at 33 weeks pregs.  I’ve been carrying so low this whole time, which was fine when the bump wasn’t so monstrous, but now I really actually feel weighed down.  I move at one of three paces:

  1. Not
  2. Epically slow-motion
  3. Try-really-hard-but-get-nowhere-fast-anyway

And we all thought it was impossible for me to be on time for anything before…

Status of the bump:  Large and in charge.  We actually don’t have a full-length mirror in our house.  I have a small mirror on the floor, angled so I can see the bottom half of an outfit, and a number of upper mirrors. Rarely do I catch a glimpse of my full-length bod in all it’s prego glory.  So when I had the luxury of a full-length this weekend, it was not a complete shock…but almost (!) when I saw my profile and just how far out this belly stretches.  It’s really out there! No wonder I bump into everything.  I’m pretty surprised I don’t bump into more!

Proofs in the pudding:


And the prettiest blooper. Boob lift? Armpit scratch? Whatever it was… I was happy. ?

 Thanks to my mama for catching some gems in Ryan’s absence.

The condensed happies:

  • Morgan’s bachelorette – the most wonderful and relaxing lady-time in a gorgeous setting with the best company. Truly nothing better
  • Morgan’s bridal shower – see above, a week later.
  • My first few shifts as a nurse on my own – terrifying but successful
  • The anticipation of my upcoming baby showers – more details to come. Probably a full post or two worth. Get excited.

The sads:

I’m just gonna cut this section unless it becomes necessary. K, perfect.

6 more weeks. 3 more posts. Whoa.

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