Weeks 1-15: An overview

For this TBT, I’m going to throw it all the way back to the days before this blog. So like last week.
…maybe a little further.

I’ll try to keep the TMI to a minimum (really no promises) while touching upon the highlights of what’s happened since the little bundle of cells joy came to exist.

Weeks 1-15
Fruit/Veg: Poppyseed through avocado and all the edibles in between.
Weight gain: -2lbs (oops)
Prominent foodies: Clementines by the box, hard boiled eggs with salt, cinnamon sugar on toast, blueberries, grapefruit, lime popsicles, salad dressing, bread and butter
Aversions: Hot foods, smelly things of the bad variety, exercise (oops)
Maternity style: My ill-fitting, non-pregs wardrobe only when absolutely necessary. Yogas, leggings, spandex of all sorts, sweatpants and long sleeved tees at all other times. I’ve looked real hott… Truly. Sorry you missed it.
How do I feel?: Stellar actually. I may have had the most easy-going, misery-free 1st trimester in history (just saying that makes me cringe because I so feel for all those ladies out there who spend the first months, or all months, hugging a toilet. I do know how lucky I am.) Mom, are you there? It’s me, MargJill. I’d like to thank you for giving me the gift of child-bearing hips and minimal pregnancy symptoms. The first I know came from you, the second I’m just assuming.
The first few months were marked mainly by sudden onset exhaustion and empty-stomach nausea. The remedy: citrus and keeping my stomach full. Fool-proof. And for the incredible fatigue-waves… Sitting. And naps. Oh and bloat. There was lots of that in the beginning. I say that as if it’s gone. Ha.

So there’s a story behind the bump. And now is when I will tell it.
With a timeline? Sure.

November 2014 — My last month of nursing school and the most challenging one ever because of a) a serious work load b) a serious commute c) a serious lack of knowledge of my pregnant status and some seriously compounding exhaustion.
Thanksgiving 2014 — Our turkey day getaway to Florida to visit Dan, Kristy and the kidlets, where I took many naps blamed on long days of clinical and long nights of paper-writing. I fell asleep on the dining room floor at 2 in the afternoon, as if that was normal?! Clueless mommy.
December 2014 — Ryan figured it out before me, the pregnant one. Go figure. Add together two nights of declining dinner (never happens) and one morning of unexplained queasiness (never happens) and voila! You’ve got yourself one heck of a positive pregnancy test and two especially giddy and surprised parents. See below.

Late December 2014 — No more school forever, my 27th birthday, Christmas, New Years… Aka LOTS OF HIDING LYING GOING ON. It was way less fun to cover up than I anticipated, because I’m not one to not drink at a party. There’s really only so many O’Douls you can handle before those are the reason for your nausea…not the babykins.
January 2014 — After a few uneventful prenatal visits, an ultra exciting ultrasound that made the whole thing WAY more real, and passing the 12 week mark, we were ready to let the world in on the secret via this little pic post, in case you missed it…

And this masterpiece that was too private for fb but not a blog(?)


That essentially brings you up to date… And surely you’ll appreciate this condensed (was it really though?) version once the weekly bump pics and pregs updates start up…Get excited! It’s exciting! I’m excited!

And suddenly exhausted. Weird.

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