Weeks 26 & 27

Fruit/Veg/Edibles: Butternut Squash and a Bunch of Bananas — loving the alliteration Weekly Monthly weight gain:  Granted this was over the course of the month instead of 2 weeks, and granted squash baby decided to quadruple in size during this timeframe (okay, not really) — 9 lbs. Overall weight gain: 17lbs… I’m gonna start eating for one again and see if […]

Weeks 24 & 25

Fruit/Veg/Edibles: Garden Eggplant (so sans the supermarket steroids — I’m big but not supermarket steroids big) and a Napa Cabbage… Weekly weight gain: ?? Overall weight gain: 8lbs + some… It’s probably too soon to be withholding this information.  It’s not that I’m embarrassed or unwilling to share.  I haven’t had an appointment in a while and really don’t feel […]

Hands on

So far, I still have no qualms or complaints about the inevitable ‘unsolicited’ belly rubs, pokes, pats, whispers, and in some little kid cases, jiggles and adventures in belly button hunting. If these gestures were coming from strangers, I anticipate I’d take issue, but I guess I’ve only been surrounded by well-behaved, appropriate strangers as […]